

  • 高清云播放
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    Tae-joon (Lee Sang-hoon) and Seo-yeon (Park Min-kyeong) wrap up their city lifeand start over in a quiet countryside. Tae-joon is still learning how to farmand he hasn"t had a decent harvest of fruits for several years. He getsstressed and blames the soil. Seo-hyeon suggests they start a "sharing house"to relieve his pressure. They invite a new family into their house to "share"and that it Hwai (Lee Ja-eun). She is a novelist who writes about herexperience with another man. She had an affair with Tae-joon in the past. Sheresented him but still loved him and couldn"t get over him which is why shewent all the way down there. She takes over the house which once used to beTae-joon and Seo-hyeon"s space. Hwai puts pressure on Tae-joon and provokes himby seducing Seo-hyeon"s carpentry teacher Jae-rim (Kim Seon-hyeok). Hwai shakesup Seo-hyeon and tries to make Tae-joon hers while Seo-hyeon struggles toprotect her family home.《欲望故事》主要为观众讲述的是:娜囡是一位设计师,本来有个大学生男友,最近却收到了他的分手信。爱情上的失败使娜囡非常痛苦,而本是设计师的她又收到公司的通知,要她去连锁西餐厅工作,于是娜囡毅然辞去自己的工作,改到一间酒吧任职。娜囡到酒吧上班后,经常光顾那里的戆直男子苏宏对她萌生爱意。不过,娜囡对爱情的失望仍未平服,未敢接受苏宏的心意。在爱情和事业的双重打击下,娜囡伤心欲绝,只好去找自己的好朋友同美和正峻倾诉心事。女孩同美和男孩正峻是一对密友,住在一起已有很长时间,生活还算快乐。单身未婚的同美是一个直率干练的职业女性,但是开放的个性和性感时髦的打扮,却经常招致上司的性骚扰。身为网页设计师的她,用了很长时间辛辛苦苦做出来的程序,却被公司删除,一气之下她也踢门走人,炒了公司的鱿鱼。正峻是娜囡和同美两个女孩的好朋友,他工作勤奋但事业却不如意,他的女友是公司的同事,后来却发现她还跟其他男孩子在一起,失恋的正峻顿时陷入迷茫之中。由于娜囡的到来,三个失落男女相聚在了同一屋檐下,他们为如何处理娜囡的感情问题而各持己见,起了不少冲突。然而忽然有一天,正峻发现自己爱上了同居多时的同美,在霎时冲动下,他们越过了朋友的底线......。