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    85后美女老板SS领衔五位美女老板本色性感出演,家居行业大佬蔡明倾情助力,各种令人喷血的镜头引爆你的眼球。独立自信、性感美丽的SS;狂野奔放、性感撩人的夏子木;甜美性感、魅力无敌的林娅西;温柔贤惠、质朴典雅的莫妮卡;知性干练、聪明可人的陈敏,五位美女老板突破大尺度,首次献身荧幕,与事业心极强、对美好生活充满向往的霸道总裁蔡明联袂演绎一场性感激情大戏,诱惑性感、裸露床戏、情趣内衣各种喷血镜头引爆你的眼球。A California-based photographer with horrible hair and a Sylvester the Cat tattoo on his ever-present upper arm is obsessed with finding the perfect alabaster-skinned queen for his camera work. However, once he finds his perfect specimen he is in for a surprise, as both he and his attractive neighbor search for the answer to Eve's secret.